Multani mitti is a natural clay which has great oil absorption property when applied on skin. It also gives soothing and fresh feeling. It can do magic if applied on skin as a face pack made with different ingredients like aloe vera, rose water, honey etc. So here are the best Multani Mitti face packs that can be used on skin to get a natural healthy and glowing skin at home.
1. Multani mitti face pack for dry skin
Multani mitti helps to soften skin tissues. It improves blood circulation and removes dark spots and blemishes from the face. Multani mitti can turn out to be a little dry. So, those with dry skin can use this one of the best multani mitti face packs, made with milk and vitamin E . This helps to make skin super soft and moist. Vitamin E is a great skin moisturizer and reduces the appearance of aging signs. It also makes scars less visible.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani mitti powder in a bowl and add a capsule of vitamin E to it.
- Add a tablespoon of milk and apply it as a face pack.
- Wait for 20 minutes and then wash off with normal plain water.

2. Multani mitti and aloe vera face pack for pimples
Multani mitti can turn out to be an effective home ingredient for pimples. This clay can pull off dirt and make skin clean and pimple-free. The absorption property of Multani mitti helps to prevent the appearance of pimples. Aloe vera controls pimple-causing bacteria in the skin as it has anti-bacterial properties.
How to make and apply
- Take a teaspoon of multani mitti in a bowl.
- Add a teaspoon of aloe vera gel and mix to make a fine consistency.
- Apply this on the face and leave for 20 minutes.
- Wash off with normal plain water.
3. Multani mitti, tea tree oil, and orange peel powder face pack for acne-prone skin
Multani mitti helps to soak excess oil from the skin that inhibits the growth of acne-causing bacteria. It also helps to fade away acne marks and helps to heal acne as well. It cleanses skin pores from within that helps in preventing the appearance of acne again. The anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and antioxidant properties of tea tree oil help to reduce pimples and skin lesions.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani mitti powder in a bowl.
- Add half a teaspoon of orange peel powder and add a few drops of tea tree oil to the face pack mixture.
- Mix and apply it on the skin and leave for 20 minutes.
- Wash off with normal plain water.
4. Multani miti, oats, and glycerin face pack for sensitive skin
The clay has great soothing and cooling properties. Sensitive skin people have more issues of skin redness, irritation, and inflammation as well. Multani miti helps to provide instant relief against all these problems. Oats can act as a barrier to diminish dryness and skin irritation. The natural components of glycerin help to calm skin redness and inflammation.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani miti in a bowl and add half a teaspoon of cooked oats mixture to it.
- Add one-fourth teaspoon of glycerin to it and apply this mixture as a face pack on the skin.
- Leave for 20 minutes and then wash off when dries off.
5. Multani miti, honey, and turmeric face pack for normal skin
For normal skin people, multani miti is great to give the feel an exfoliating effect. It helps to improve blood circulation and helps the skin tissues to feel tight. more nutrients and moisture are retained with the help of multani miti for normal skin people. Honey deeply hydrates skin and turns out to be an effective pore cleanser and a gentle exfoliator as well. Turmeric adds a natural glow to the skin and reduces skin blemishes along with skin lightening.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani miti in a bowl and add half a teaspoon of honey to it.
- Mix some wild turmeric into it and apply this mixture as a face pack.
- Leave for 20 minutes and then wash off with normal plain water.
6. Multani mitti face pack for glowing skin
It’s the best multani mitti face pack. Multani mitti helps to make skin glow and erases pigmentation from the face. Skin achieves a much brighter and fairer appearance. Tomato helps to tighten skin and brightens up dull complexion very well. Green tea has antioxidants in it that help the skin to achieve a natural bright glow on the face.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani mitti in a bowl and add some green tea to make a fine paste.
- Then add in the pulp of half the tomato and apply it as a face pack for the skin.
- Keep it for 20 minutes and then wash off with normal plain water.
7. Multani mitti face pack for oily skin
Multani mitti absorbs excess oil and detoxifies the skin from within. It discards dead skin cells and exfoliates completely. Vitamin C tablet helps to lessen the production of oil in the skin and boost skin hydration too. Aloe vera promotes skin healing and soothes skin irritation too.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani mitti in a bowl.
- Add a crushed tablet of vitamin C to it along with some aloe vera gel.
- Mix and apply it on the skin as a face pack and keep it for 20 minutes.
- Wash off with normal plain water.
Different face packs made with Multani mitti
1. Multani mitti and Chandan face pack
Multani mitti and Chandan balance skin PH and provide a cooling effect on the skin. They help to soothe skin against all sorts of irritations and relieve sunburns as well. They tighten skin pores and improve blood circulation.
How to make and apply:
- Take one teaspoon of multani miti powder and add half a teaspoon of chandan powder to it.
- Mix with a teaspoon of curd and apply it on skin leaving for 20 minutes.
- Wash off with normal plain water.
2. Multani mitti and honey face pack
Multani miti when used with honey helps to enhance the skin’s natural glow. The combination of these ingredients helps to get rid of blemishes and hydrates skin very well.
How to make and apply:
- Take some multani mitti and add some honey to it.
- Add some water to it to make a fine paste and apply it on the skin.
- leave for 15 minutes and then wash off with normal plain water.
3. Multani mitti and turmeric face pack
Both multani mitti and turmeric help to fade away skin blemishes and dark spots. They both help to enhance skin complexion, giving the face a much brighter appearance. Skin also gets rid of dead cells too.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani mitti and add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder to it.
- Add some milk and apply it on the skin leaving for 20 minutes.
- Scrub off when dries completely.
4. Multani mitti and milk face pack
Multani miti and milk work to make skin soft and supple. This face pack combination is great for dry skin as this pack hydrates and moisturizes skin very well. It also helps to fade away tan lines and wrinkles from the skin.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani miti and add milk to make a fine paste.
- Apply it on the skin and leave for 15 minutes.
- Wash off when dries.
5. Multani mitti and aloe vera face pack
Multani mitti and aloe vera are natural skin cleansers that help to tone the skin. They make the skin feel flawless, smooth, and supple within itself. They also help to soothe sunburns along with slowing down aging signs as well.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani mitti and some fresh aloe vera gel to it.
- Apply it on the face leaving for 10 minutes.
- Wash off with normal plain water.
6. Multani mitti and curd face pack
Multani miti and curd face pack combination suits all skin types. This face pack combination helps to cool and tighten skin from within. It’s great for cleansing skin and reducing fine lines and wrinkles from the skin. Blood circulation is also improved in the skin.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani miti and add some cued to it to make a fine paste.
- Apply it on the skin and leave for 15 minutes.
- Wash off with normal plain water.
7. Multani mitti and coffee face pack
When multani mitti is mixed with coffee, the skin achieves the benefit of double cleansing. This combination is great for exfoliating all dead skin cells and making the skin look flawless, smooth, and toned.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani mitti in a bowl.
- Add half a teaspoon of coffee powder along with some water to make a fine paste.
- Apply it on the skin and leave for 15 minutes.
- Wash off with normal plain water.
8. Multani mitti and lemon face pack
Multani mitti and lemon help to soak excess oil from the skin. They cleanse the skin deeply and help the skin to stay healthy as well. Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C which is a great skin antioxidant that helps to provide even toned and soothe irritated skin.
How to make and apply:
- To a teaspoon of multani mitti, squeeze out the juice of half a lemon.
- Then add some sandalwood powder and apply it on the skin leaving for 15 minutes.
- Wash off when dries with normal plain water.
9. Multani mitti and papaya face pack
The combination of Multani mitti and papaya helps to achieve blemish-free and healthy skin. They help to open up skin pores along with the absorption of excess oil from the skin. It gently exfoliates dead skin cells making skin feel refreshed and glowing.
How to make and apply:
- To a teaspoon of multani mitti add papaya pulp to it.
- Mix and apply it on the skin leaving for 15 minutes.
- Wash off when dries with normal plain water.
10. Multani mitti and rice flour face pack
Multani mitti and rice flour together work as a great hydrating scrub for the skin. They help to treat uneven skin tone along with a reduction in skin pigmentation. A smooth, even-toned skin without any skin purities in skin pores can be achieved with this face pack combination.
How to make and apply:
- Take a teaspoon of multani mitti and add half a teaspoon of rice flour powder to it.
- Add some tea leaves water and apply it on the skin leaving for 15 minutes.
- Wash off when dries with normal plain water.